It's going to be difficult keeping up with this every day -- I used to jot down my thoughts all the time in college but once you get out of that habit it's hard to go back. So lets see...
This week I have been to two interviews for job openings that I found on Craigslist. I knew it was a long shot going in that they would be legit opportunities, but I reserached their websites and they seemed like real ad agencies. Unfortunately, I should have taken that for the grain of salt that it was as, in my experience, ad agencies rarely explain their process in less-than-broad details. But I was hoping that I could find an easy way out of my predicament and didn't look carefully enough, so one trip to Hartford and one to Southington (at 8 in the morning) later, I can at least say that I have gotten thinner since the last time I wore my business attire. Having the free time to go to the gym two hours a day will do that...sigh.
I have been communicating with some agencies looking for media planner's this week as well, all in New York City though. I have a call tomorrow at 10am with one that a former colleague at MediaVest helped me set-up, and while I am becoming comfortable living back home in CT, I know that I would be very happy to return to the city. Broke soonthereafter, but happy. However, the nagging thought remains, is Media Planning really the path I want to take again for a career? I know it's one of the most logical career paths for someone with my degree (Masters in Comm) -- and it pays well with good opportunity for advancement. But after leaving MediaVest, I have a huge chip on my shoulder to prove that I can be successful in it...although, I sometimes think that might be the only reason I am pursuing it.
I think I'll try and read a book on advertising for kicks, maybe one of my old text books or something new and shiny from the library, and get a grip on why I loved advertising in the first place. While I know it didn't have much to do plugging in billing data and making flowcharts and spreadsheets all day, I always felt that those were just "little details" that I could overcome through effort when the time came. If only I'd taken more internships then... sigh, wisdom of the perfect past is an agent of regret in the future.
Until tomorrow, true believers.
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