Tuesday, April 29, 2014


So in the name of writing I will write. 

Things have changed for me. Being in a supportive and peaceful environment has helped me recognize and focus on things that I needed to change, such as; drinking, negative thinking and ego shrinking.

Speaking of writing, boy do I miss being creative and having projects. School was a great gift for me because it forced me into diligence and constant production. That is my great strength and my gift…I love to talk and understand and express…it gives me a great pleasure and if I could work in this vein I know I would be very happy.

Finding a route to this end is challenging but not impossible. During the morning I often feel empty because I have no where to be…or rather, no place I have to be, and my computer feels empty. When I start writing those feelings of emptiness go away quickly. Like any truly important endeavor in life, the key for me is to gather the courage to start when it is not easy. That involves having a purpose which is my challenge when I always have a nasty voice in my head saying that my writings are a waste of time. 

But Art is not a waste of time, when it comes from love, because anything that comes from love comes from God.

So I will try harder to love what I am doing. I will try harder to love more. 

In the name of writing, I will write.

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