Phew -- I could barely avoid thinking about my job-search for a moment during my self-imposed break from the process. Time really drags without the structure of a full-time position. It really puts my adolescent "but I don't wanna go to school" phase into a new perspective... what-a-wimp !
Side-Bar: My computer is just being down-right cruel to me lately. My keyboard keeps on selecting and deleting every sentence I type, so I have to go very slow to avoid losing all my work as I do it. I guess this is the ghost in the machine's way of teaching me to be more cognizant of what I'm putting out there. That or my computer's just got it in for me, take your pick.
I've spent the last couple days uploading and editing old projects so I can have a stronger reel/portfolio for prospective creative jobs. I am seeing a recruiter Monday at an agency called the Creative Group in Hartford, which sounds promising so I was motivated to get as much done as possible this week. Link's below -- feel free to check it out.
Behance Pro Website (Continually will be a Work-in-Progress)
Self-Psychoanalysis: The extra time off has helped me really hone in on what's been holding me back from moving forward with my search in Connecticut/New York/etc... I have let go of the past and accept that the most important thing for me to do right now is gain relevant experience as a professional. If I keep holding out for that perfect opportunity, I'll never get back to work -- which will just make me more discouraged.
I've been too demanding of the world, and I to have to learn to treat my career as a long process, like working out, where I have to build up my skills through lots of practice and focused training. Many people before have had setbacks like mine, but the one's that stayed positive and always looked at life as an opportunity are the one's who look back on their careers with pride. I want to be one of those people, but it starts with my own humility, and in learning how to forgive myself for my mistakes, learn from them and move on.
My dreams aren't dead, I just have to accept that the path to true happiness as a professional isn't always something you can map -- but something you just have to experience for yourself. I've definitely gotta keep working on my attitude, and use every day as an opportunity for new experiences -- no matter how tough it might feel without the helpful structures I've had in the past (school, jobs, etc).
As my Mom has said many a time (today included): "This too shall pass." If I remember that, I can find the hope I need to get to a better tomorrow...and hopefully, still a very bright future.
Until next time.
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