Friday, September 14, 2012

Survival Skills

Another day of learning how to be unemployed -- which, when done with a positive and productive attitude, is surprisingly busy. 

If you'll recall from my last couple posts, I had been a bit anxious over the notion of starting over in a new city, which, after a little calm rationalizing, has become less of an issue... I've accepted my situation and am ready to face it without fear.  Focusing on the positive -- I am more focused than ever on getting a job that speaks to my passions -- I realize that, in the past, to my own detriment  have pursued quote-on-quote "responsible" professional endeavors... avoiding tackling my heart's desire in favor of getting money in the bank and building up contacts and most of all control.

Retrospectively, I think that more than anything, I desired the power and autonomy that comes with a business experience and a good paycheck. I had a picture in my head of how to build a good life as a 23-year old -- and it involved getting a nice little apartment in Brooklyn, a hipster female friend or two, and a Craigslist-formed cover band to perform my favorite tracks from Fun's latest album.  My job was a means to this end, and from there I could think about developing my "real" life. 

The feeling of having gone to New York and been one of the first of my class to, against all odds, "make it" was what kept me going even after I discovered that the job wasn't what I had hoped it would become and had essentially become my entire life. 

I've come to realize that what I was pursing wasn't all that important at the end of the day...I was just idealizing a modern-materialistic fantasy...albeit a liberal-minded one. Yes, I had a well-paying job and spent the same (fiscally-responsible) amount that I do now, but it doesn't make me any happier than I was with nothing in the bank. The things that make me happy are good relationships (free), fitness (almost free), making films and music (free after a few investments), reading new books (free, as well as books on tape which I've been getting really into lately) and most of all -- learning new perspectives about life and developing different/positive ways of thinking (free...and priceless).

So, what am I taking from all this cliche'd protagonist catharsis? Well, that I need to find a job that I can not only be successful at -- but that I truly feel happy doing.  I also need to maintain a healthy lifestyle that coexists with my professional life -- no more putting things like friends/family on lay-away.  Lastly, I need to learn to be happy in the moment -- as opposed to thinking about periods of my life as stepping stones or means to ends. 

I felt so lost after losing my job in New York and moving back to Connecticut, like I'd left my whole life behind, but in reality... I'd just had an experience.  And a pretty good one at that, in that I learned a lot and am a better, more humble person for it.  Yes its over, and yes I wish it wasn't over or had ended differently, but it didn't kill me!  I'm still free to pursue my dreams...and maybe this will free me up to find an even better role that I wouldn't have found had I been still working there. I know it's optimistic -- but it's not an entirely crazy notion either... And I could learn to be more optimistic.

My name is Shawn Perry and I have always wanted to work in film/television broadcasting.  I am a card-carrying creative type ready to dedicate myself to dual-success in my next opportunity -- both professional and personal -- but first, I am going to take my time and find the right opportunity. Whether its in Connecticut or California -- New York City, Midland Texas or Montreal, I am not afraid to put it all on the line and start over again somewhere new.

It might take more time than I want it to... I know that there will be frustrations and new challenges... and that, most of all, it will take faith... but at the end of this road I know I will be better for the experience.  Because there will be no quit in me -- no matter how many road bumps and transition periods life has in store for me on the way... I-will succeed. 

Because, as I've come to know, that's just what it takes to survive in this world... and I choose to survive.  There is no other choice. 

Plus, if I can overcome all that from this first big job experience -- I can only imagine what strength I'll gain from my next Transition Period.

Until next time, True Believers.

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